Books on the ancient civilzations of northern coastal Peru

Suggested reading before the 2023 Chautauqua Course in Peru
Shamanism in Moche Art and Iconography - The Shaman and His Deity
Author: Edwin Barnhart

Free download. Barnhart's 1994 paper for Linda Schele's class - the first time he explains his theories on the Fanged Deity.
Mesas de Brujo of Northern Coastal Peru - Modern Forms, Ancient Precedents
Author: Edwin Barnhart

Free download. Barnhart's 1994 paper explaining how the modern curenderos of Peru's northern coast are doing things very similar to the images on ancient Moche pottery.
Chavin and the Origins and Andean Civilization
Author: Richard Burger

An older publication, but still the standard for understanding Chavin de Huantar and its influence on Andean civilization.
Treasures of the Incas and Pre-Columbian South America
Author: Jeffery Quilter

An overview of Andean civilizations before the Inca. Lots of pretty pictures.
Royal Tombs of Sipan
Authors: Walter Alva and Christopher Donnan

The book that accompanied the original traveling museum exhibition. Still the single best source on the three tombs excavated at Sipan.
The Lords of Sipan
Author: Sydney Kirkpatrick

The real life story of how the archaeologists who excavated the tombs of Sipan were attacked by the local residences of the area who wanted the treasures for themselves.
Art and Archaeology of the Moche
Authors: Steve Bourget and Kimberly Jones

A book providing a good overview of Moche archaeology.
Chan Chan - Andean Desert City
Authors: Michael Moseley and Kent Day

From the 1980's, but one of the only books written on Chimu civilization
The Wizard of the Four Winds
Author: Douglas Sharon

An updated, 2nd edition of a classic study of modern Moche Curenderismo.
Lonely Planet Peru
Author: Loney Planet

The 2022 version of their guide to Peru. Most of the ruins and towns this course will visit are in this book.